Friday, January 7, 2011

Langkah2 Hero IBU

SALAM semua... Ceritaku arini adalah berkisar anak kesayanganku mizan...SEMALAM kami ke hospital check up NENEK mizan..MIZAN check up kat klinik je smlm...pastu br anto nenek p serdang... Punyerlaaa lama menunggu giliran..Sib bk cimonet IBU, leh kerana boring tahap cipan, IBU ajak MIZAN jenjalan...

IBU ade idea, pe kater kiter, mulalaaa ibu tateh dia sampai laaa dia leh berdiri tnpa pegang ibu but keras disituuuuu....hahahhahaaa...MIZAN mmg lawak time tuh...bergegar kaki lutut  JAJAN ibu..masih takut2 mulakan langkah nyer...TP usaha lagi sampai laaa JAJAN leh jalan sambil ibu hold ngan sbelah tangan...syabas BB...pastu aper lagi kemain ske laaa dia lepas jerk keras mematu lagi...hahahhahaaa...xper2 JAJAN kecik lagi ader time lg okes?TODAY JAJAN baru jer 9b 6h..normal lagi k?

SESAMPAI dirumah IBU plok ecited trus bwk p jln2 kat palygrnd kat umah same abg AFAN nyer... riuh sore dia sonok tgk abg2 y dh pandai jalan n berlari main beskal n etc ditaman tuh...Habislah ibu bl dia dh dpt kaki spenuhnyer anti...xper...itulah keseronokan dan keletihan y ibu wajib tempuhi utk mmbesarkan mu sayang..semua ibu sayang anak kn kn kn...Ibu akan bt y terbaik untuk anak IBU...u r PRICELESS...

RAMAI kawan2 mizan tgk mizan tateh kat situ...mulut mizan bising cm panggil kawan2 dia nak men samer...mcm dia dh leh jln sndri jerk...
ske sgt momen tuh..abah xder coz keje mlambak xabis2 kat opis tuh...
cian abah...abah blk tiap2 ari kol 8mlm...aritu sampai umah kol 11 mlm...
BB sayang, ingatlah pngrbnn abah mu...

WPON abah bnyk keje tp stil ade ms luangkn tuk mak ayah n mizan tau...
nenek n atok mmg bertuah dpt anak cm abah mizan.. ibu tompang gmbira..
JAJAN dh meningkat pandai ari ke ari...IBU doakan JAJAN akan terus
pandai ari ke ari... TIADA ape y ibu harapkan
hanya yang terbaik untukmu SAYANG...

Gamba xsempat upload...len kali laaa plak kot...

Friday, October 22, 2010


Apa harus kita lakukan sebagai WANITA? Apa yg perlu kite ade sebagai ISTERI? Apa kiter hendak sebagai IBU?...
Banyak yang dapat kiter ulaskan satu persatu...Adakah dengan adenyer BLOG ini menjamin kan ape2 ataupon adakah dengan BLOG ini kiter menmbh dosa mngurangkan pahala? yang slama ini mmg xbnyk...ataupon sebalik nya...
SEBENARNYA, untuk pandai kite msti belajar, dan kepada siapa y perlu kiter tuju?Nak PANDAI IT kene berguru ngn y bijak pandai IT so, nk PANDAI AGAMA, mstilaaah berguru ngn TOK GURU...hehehehe...mksudnya USTAZ2 USTAZAH2 n mereka y MENDALAMI NYA laaa kn? 

JUN ader terdengar ceramah2 drpd USTAZ2, USTAZAH2 yg mana mungkin kite blh kongsi bersama...
SEBENARNYA, mmg tiada salh kiter buat semua atau pon mggnkn kecngghan IT pd masa ini, cuma KAEDAH dan CARA ader y xkene...SAMA2 la kiter betolkan aper y salah...dan AMALkan y DAH SEDIA BETOL.....

Mengikut kata2 USTAZ2 USTAZAH2 ni tadi, kite dpt ambil point bahawa JGN ade UNSUR2 MENUNJUK2 EGO BONGKAK etc, JGN ade sesuatu y blh mndtgkn DOSA FREE kpd kite (cntoh: gmba2 y ...phm kot.), JGN ade  sesuatu yg LAGHA dan bnyk lg y sewaktu dengannya..

KITA sebagai manusia mesti mnjaga bnyk benda..KITA sbg ORG ISLAM jg msti mnjga bnyk benda, yg kadang2 kiter mmpu buat tp kiter abaikan nya...SAMALAA ngn JUNE pon...TETAPI, klu diikutkan sekiranya bkn kite y brubah kpd kebaikan, sape y akan berbuat demikian? Sape y nk hafaz AL QURAN, sape nk BLAJA ILMU AGAMA? selain blaja IT canggih spt ini? KITE MAJU kedepan dengan IT ni sj TP amatlah KETINGGALAN ILMU AGAMA...Pernahkah kite bertanya pada DIRI KITE SENDIRI?

KITE (jun skali laaa ni), boleh update BLOG, FACEBOOK, FRIENDSTER etc hari2...tiap2 jam, tetapi ader x kiter baca sehelai ALQURAN setiap hari? atau setiap minggu? atau setiap bulan? atau setiap tahun? atau seumur hidup?
MAASYAALLAH...GOLONGAN mana kah kite ini sebenarnya..kite sndiri jer y tahu...ALANGKAH ruginya kiter bl xupdate semua IT ni, tp TIADA PENYESALAN sedikit pon sekiranya kita XUPDATE diri kiter KE JALAN ALLAH...kadang2 klu boleh nak cpt2 jer selesai SOLAT tp tgk BOLA n sewaktunyeee lamaaaaaaa2 pon xpe lg bgs...

KITER SAMBUNG LAGI NANTI....sama2 laaa kiter renung2 kan...

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hey my baby boy,
you bring me joy every time I look at you. All the little things you do, I'm so glad God gave me you .
When I wake every morning just to
look in your eyes and you smiling back to ME.
Every single morning I get a different surprise.
Like that day you hold my hand for the first time you can. I pray everyday that
But I pray even more that

AHMAD AIMAN HAMIZAN, IBU & ABAH will try to do our best for you and for our FAMILY
1st day in labour CIKENET u r..IBU's hand bigger than ur face huh...:)
 Sleep time : U r so cute 4 IBU...muah
MILK!!! : couldnt be patient nimore...ish3...MY LITTLE SON
Give IBU gud pose juz after u wake up that morning....hmmm


For me a FAMILY is like a circle.
The connection never ends and even if at times it breaks in time it always mends.
To my family, who supports me, loves me and cares for me,
they have made me who I am today and they have raised me right.
I am still learning from them and luckily they are still there. You have made me a very happy person and
I pray to GOD above and thank him for my
(My lovely family members = MAK, Zainiyah, AYAH, Mohamad, AYAH2, Ismail, BRO, Abg Die, Abg Jany, Abg Mie, Abg Joe, SIS, Kak Ani, Kak Dah, LIL BRO, Jamal)
How he has gave me this special one. I want you to know, I love you so.
Thank you for 28 wonderful years and thank you for bringing me into this world.


I have some friends, whom I hold DEAR.
Without them, I'd have nothing to hold near. My friends will always be there for me. I know that because, I have nothing to fear. I always seem to think at night of
what life would be like without them here.
It's a scary thing to think about not having no one to care. I dont know what I would do, because friendship is very rare. I'm glad I found the time to write this.
I just hope
you think of me,'cuz this is so sincere.


I still remember the first time we met (hostel), we were strangers to each other,
not knowing each other, not even ready to know,
but slowly we started off with a simple HI! and a smile,
as time passed, a formal relationship turned into an informal one...,
now we were always being together & you guys help me so much including give me money to buy something @ night market coz of that time my loan PTP TIPU is not yet approved, hahahhaaa. (PTPTN benarnyer n aku TERTIPU)
now theres not even a single day when we do not talk
or see each other..,
the day is not complete till we talk to each other..,
its such a nice feeling to know that i have someone whom i can count on,trust on, no matter where life takes us in near future, we are will always be
thank you for accepting me as your friend even
sorry if i had done any mistake along our relationship. I have no intention to hurt your feeling...1000 times of sorry from me...

Note: So, to all my friends out there, u r really meaningfull to me even we were seldom met each other.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I wrote this especially to my GREAT HUSBAND..

Hubby, I don't think you will ever fully understand how you've touched my life and made me who I am. I don't think you could ever know just how truly special you are. I don't think you will ever fully comprehend how you've made my dreams come true or how you've opened my heart to love and the wonders it can do. You've allowed me to experience something very hard to find unconditional love that exists in my body, soul, and mind. I don't think you could ever feel all the love I have to give and I'm sure you'll never realize you've been my will to live. You are an amazing person and without you I don't know where I'd be. Having you in
every part of me. Hubby, just forget what ever happen in our life before. I'm sorry for everything and hope u do the same. And we had promised to ourself will not make the same mistake again and something that will hurting each other feeling.


Hi sumer...

10U coz sudi melayari blog ASJUNK...actlly, jun pilih nama ni kerana gabungan nama antara jun n suami n hpfly senang diingati oleh semua....Klu nak ikutkan dah lama blog mcmni diperkenalkan tetapi baru hari ni 20102010 menjadi tarikh keramat bagi jun menghasilkan blog sendiri....JUN pun xtau kenapa tetapi yang pasti selain dapat meluahkan rasa hati, berkongsi ilmu baik, kenangan hidup, ianya elok untuk JUN practice menaip...hahahhahaaa...

Dalam hidup JUN, ramai yang JUN sayang n harap ramai yg menyayangi diri ini...Semuanya diharapkan akan melengkapi antara satu sama lain...Ceritera ini akan dimulakan dengan
DIRI sendiri, FAMILY, SAUDARA mara & KAWAN2...

Apa yang penting adalah perkongsian yang positif dari semua..jgn ade umpat mngmpat, dan cerita2 gosip yang boleh mmbawa kepada fitnah d perkara2 yg xdiingini...AMIN...

Tiada yg hebat untuk dicerita kan mngnai diri ini cukup sekadar profile diberi..dan lain2 mengenai FMLY, SAUDARA mara & KAWAN2 akan disusuli mengikut kesesuaian masa yang ada....C U soon....